[{shop_url}] Hallo {firstname} {lastname}, Bedankt voor het winkelen bij {shop_name}! Your order with the reference {order_name} has been placed successfully and will be SHIPPED AS SOON AS WE RECEIVE YOUR PAYMENT. U heeft gekozen om via een cheque te betalen. Gebruik hiervoor de volgende gegevens: AMOUNT: {total_paid} BESTELLING TOTAALBEDRAG: {cheque_name} VERSCHULDIGD I.V.M. EEN BESTELLING AAN: {cheque_address_html} You can review your order and download your invoice from the "Order history" [{history_url}] section of your customer account by clicking "My account" [{my_account_url}] on our shop. If you have a guest account, you can follow your order via the "Guest Tracking" [{guest_tracking_url}] section on our shop. {shop_name} [{shop_url}] powered by PrestaShop(tm) [http://www.prestashop.com/]